Our Team

Peter Martin, Director & Senior Solicitor
Office: Forbes, Parkes & Condobolin, NSW.
Key Areas Of Practice: Criminal & Traffic Law, Property Law and Estate Litigation
Qualifications: Dip. Law
Joined Matthews Williams: 1998
Peter is a seasoned criminal and traffic lawyer and a recognised face in both Local and District Court. He also undertakes conveyancing, commercial and estate matters (with special interest in estate litigation).
Peter is known for his sharp wit, articulate manner and ability to keep things grounded and in proper focus. He strives to provide his clients with the very best advice while keeping cost and efficiency in priority.
Peter can act/advise on the following:
- Traffic and Criminal matters in Forbes, Parkes and the wider area
- Debt recovery
- Dispute resolution
- Buying and selling a property or business
- Estate Planning including preparing a Will, Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardian
- Estate Litigation
- Commercial Litigation
- General legal advice